lundi 2 septembre 2013

The pilot of a light aircraft is landing down in the highway

Le pilote d'un avion de tourisme en panne effectue un atterrissage en plein autoroute
The pilot of a light aircraft suffered an engine failure has made a daring landing on a bypass in Tarn Albi (South of France) on Saturday afternoon, causing no injuries.

The plane, a small high-wing aircraft powered by a propeller landed to 5:00 p.m. without hitting any vehicle, at a time when traffic is dense yet this 2x2 separated by a safety rail tracks.

The plane had skydivers and was en route to the airport when he suffered an engine failure. The pilot confirmed, tried to glide to the runway but was forced to ask earlier, making a short landing on the ring road, detailed the control tower of the airport, questioned by a corresponding the AFP.

The front tire of the aircraft exploded on impact of landing and the emergency services have evacuated the aircraft shortly before 7:00 p.m., allowing the restoration of circulation very upset by the incident. (video)

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