lundi 2 septembre 2013

SNPL France ALPA current policy kills the French airline


In a statement released today, the airline pilots union denounces harsh words " the inconsistency of policy," the airline is led by the current French government, even claiming that it is " infallible method " to kill the french airline ."
" Chirac tax , carbon tax , tax CDG Express : there are more samples increases the airline will suffer . Even though the economic situation of many of its players is catastrophic and that thousands of jobs are threatened. It would kill the French airline that did go about it , "protested the SNPL France ALPA .
The union asked the government to finally take full measure of the situation and whether to exit the entire sector of the rut . And remember that sponsored by the Prime Minister , entitled European airlines report can be fatal , recommended in July to take action to avoid, for the increase of national charges and intra -European competition distortions between globalized carriers. Its ink barely dry , the government announced an increase of more than 12% of the so-called " Chirac " on airfare tax , announced the creation of a tax to finance the CDG Express link , and suggests a new removal through the carbon tax ...
Meanwhile, the number of French airlines multiply backup plans of employment, contract staff and relocate . The challenges posed by competition from new players in the sector , Gulf airlines or low cost, can be identified , but it is necessary that the rules are common , fair and respected , said the SNPL France ALPA .
What is the state , except to announce new taxes, deal with companies that extort local governments , companies involved in extortion to buy Airbus , companies that do not comply with Community law ? asks the union.
The SNPL France ALPA , as well as representatives of all employees in the sector , can not meet the effects of ads never followed up with concrete measures in recent months. It is high time to give the will to act. Tens of thousands of jobs depend on it, concludes the union.

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