mardi 3 septembre 2013

Dakar Air France flight diverted, up to the Senegalese presidential plane

aj_air france b777-300ER

This is the site that Dakaractu issued anecdote: last Friday around 20h, a Boeing B777 Air France, sentence atterrisage to Leopold Sedar Senghor Dakar Airport was diverted to to airport Nouakchott in Mauritania, to enable the airplane Senegalese President Macky Sall to land safely with its sequel.
The Air France simply preferred to stop in Nouakchott, Mauritania. According to the Senegalese press, it is only once in Nouakchott the crew informed the passengers of the reason for the call, which was "very angry" against Senegalese President. After waiting the required time, the flight AF718 took off from Nouakchott to Dakar arise shortly after 22h, or with more than two hours late ...
According Dakaractu, regulation states that when a VIP aircraft to land, "30 minutes before and 15 minutes after, no airliner is allowed to move" at the airport. In this case, the airliners can continue to fly the Senegalese sky until the green light to land or divert to another airport. The crew of Air France chose the second option.

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